React Hooks useReducer (under construction)

What is useReducer?

  • useReducer is a hook that is used for state management
  • It is an alternative to useState
  • useState is built using useReducer
  • useReducer is related to reducer functions

Reduce vs. useReducer

Simple state & action demo with string

Complex state & action demo with object (just for demo)

In order to have two counters to track each counts, we maintain a state object to track different counters, also create additional switch cases in reducer function, but this is much complex cost.

Multiple useReducers

a much simpler alternative to useReducer02

  • since the behavior is the same, the argument is also the same
  • both working independently, even though they using the same piece of code
  • when dealing with multiple state of variables that have the same state transitions, it is a good idea to have multiple reducers, making the use of the same reducer function.
  • also prevent us to duplicate the code of reducer function

useReducer with useContext


Local state management

useReducer + useContext

Global state management: share state and methods between components